File Download: 98-030



In Re

Complainant: Pensioner
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No: 98-030 – January 17, 2003

Trustees: A. Frank Dunham, Michael H. Holland, Marty D. Hudson and Elliot A. Segal.


Background Facts

投诉人最后一次在煤炭行业工作是在12月27日被投诉人工作, 1995. The Complainant was notified by letter dated July 12, 1996, 他获得了1974年UMWA养老金计划递延退休养老金, effective April 1, 1996, based on 20.58 years of credited service. The Complainant was advised to contact his last signatory employer, the Respondent, 关于他作为养恤金领取者享受健康福利的资格.

According to the Respondent, the Complainant was hired on March 8, 1995, 基于他声称他持有电工证书. After the Complainant was hired, the Respondent determined that his certification had already expired. 当申诉人未能提供证据证明他目前已获得认证时, the Respondent terminated his employment on December 27, 1995. 被投诉人拒绝向申诉人提供作为养恤金领取者的健康福利.


Positions of the Parties


被投诉人的立场:被投诉人不需要为投诉人提供医疗保险,因为投诉人伪造记录以获得被投诉人的工作. Therefore, 投诉人的前雇主应负责为投诉人提供医疗保险.

Pertinent Provisions

1993年《官方网站》第XX (c)(3)(i)条相关部分规定:

(3)(i)各签署雇主应建立并维持员工福利计划,以提供, implemented through an insurance carrier(s), 本协议所涵盖的雇员以及领取养老金者的健康和其他非养老金福利, 根据1974年养老金计划和信托,其最后签署人的分类就业是在该雇主,并且没有资格从根据《官方网站》维持的计划中获得福利. . . . .



The following terms shall have the meanings herein set forth:

(2) “Wage Agreement” means the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1993, as amended from time to time and any successor agreement.

(4) “雇员”系指为雇主从事保密工作的人员, eligible to receive benefits hereunder.

(5) “Pensioner” shall mean any person who is receiving a pension, 除了(i)根据少于20年的记帐服务领取的递延既得退休金, 或(ii)全部或部分根据1974年养恤金计划第ii G条的规定记入的服务年数的养恤金, or any corresponding paragraph of any successor thereto, under the 1974 Pension Plan (or any successor thereto), whose last classified signatory employment was with the Employer, subject to the provisions of Article II B of this Plan. “养老金领取者”不指根据1986年《官方网站》第9711条享有福利的任何个人, as amended by the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992.

Article II – Eligibility


B. Pensioners


(1) 任何退休金领取者,在

(a) 根据1974年养恤金计划领取养恤金者的最初退休日期;及

(b) February 1, 1993, shall be eligible for coverage as a Pensioner under, and subject to all other provisions of this Plan. 尽管本计划第i(5)条对退休金领取人的定义有(i)及(ii)项规定, 在12月5日符合1974年福利计划下领取养老金资格的任何此类养老金领取者, 1977, shall be eligible for such benefits, subject to all other provisions of this Plan.


1993年《皇冠搏彩中心网站》第XX(c)(3)(i)条要求签署雇主建立并维持雇主福利计划,为最后签署者分类就业于该雇主的养恤金领取者提供健康和其他非养恤金福利. Article II B. 《皇冠搏彩中心》第(1)条规定,根据1974年养老金计划领取养老金的个人(有某些与此无关的豁免)有资格享受雇主福利计划下的健康福利.

答辩人是1993年工资协议的签署人,该协议根据第XX(c)(3)(i)条规定,签署人雇主必须建立和维持一项雇主福利计划,为其上一个签署人分类就业的退休人员提供健康和其他非养老金福利. 投诉人获发1974年退休计划递延既得退休金,于4月1日生效, 1996, based on 20.58 years of credited service. 因为申诉人根据1974年养恤金计划领取养恤金, he meets the eligibility requirements of Article II B. (1)并有权从其最后签字的雇主,即答辩人那里获得健康福利.

被投诉人辩称,因为投诉人是在虚假的借口下被雇用的, 在被投诉人之前雇用投诉人的公司应负责为投诉人提供健康福利. However, 雇主对退休金资格决定的质疑,例如对退休金领取者最后签署雇主的指派,必须在《官方网站》第XX (g)条授权的单独程序中提出,受托人不得在审查审查程序中处理.

Opinion of the Trustees

被投诉人必须为投诉人作为养恤金领取者提供医疗保险, effective April 1, 1996, consistent with the terms of the Employer Benefit Plan.